Jumping Man Glyph

Welcome, you beautiful soul to my visual gallery where I invite you to a deeper innerstading of thyself.

i am sinikka ie. blue


the color of the throat chakra.

the throat chakra

(also known as Vishuddha),

is responsible for communication,

self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth.

prices upon request.


the very essence of your being is inherently multidimensional, however your conscious awareness has been conditioned to navigate this human experience inside a 3d mind-prison where you have the illusion of separation.

we are a multidimensional infite consciousness incarnated in a physical body ie. you are the universe experiencing itself.

we don’t die because energy is consciousness, and everything that exists is energy, thus it can only transform into another expression of itself.

your mission is to remember that you are not your physical body, but an eternal consciousness giving a life to the vessel.



Things that occur in your life are not destiny, they manifest

in your subconscious mind

The subconscious mind is a place that guides you until you are aware of its power

The subconscious is formed when, as a child, the mind divides itself into two parts

The conscious mind is the top of the iceberg and the subconscious is the place under the water that guides you as long

Until you dive where there is no light, you face your fears and your demons

You are the captain of your ship but you let pirates on the ship who suck your kundalini energy

Only you can save yourself, but first you have to remove your false identity (ego)


You must dive where there is no light, face your triggers

You are the captain of your ship but you let pirates on the ship who sucked your life force

You must have strong boundaries so that you can protect your inner child

You need to hug your inner child who is waiting for your LOVE

Only you can save yourself, but first you have to remove your false identity (ego)

It's the best thing that could happen to you because underneath it lies your strength